Did you know that campers and counselors started meeting their best friends at Camp Huawni a long time ago??? When I first arrived at Camp Huawni as a counselor in the summer of 1973, I only knew Chad Utley (my brother) and his college roommate, Gary Crawford. I had no idea what to expect at this East Texas summer camp. Little did I know that I would meet my lifetime best friend, Tricia Patton Gossett, a first year counselor from Wichita Falls, Texas. We played lots of tennis at camp that summer, and we both met some of the most amazing campers you could ever imagine. Missy Mitchell, Jan Pennal, and Carrie Bass were some of my favorites. You cannot imagine the fun counselors we would come to know….David McGinnis (aka David was a Baby Rabbit), Gary Patterson (better known as Pat Man), Fred Jackson (who would go on to be a legendary Camp Huawni Director), and John Blabe (who came from New York City and wanted to know where the taxi was). There were renditions of Grand Funk performed by Chad Utley and Gary Crawford. It was a summer filled with magical memories and funny stories. Tricia’s biggest concern at summer camp was how to keep her curly hair from frizzing in the East Texas humidity. It was not an easy task if you taught tennis and manned the obstacle course! We had many late night talks in the CQ (yes, the CQ used to be inhabited by the girls staff). When that summer ended, our friendship had only begun. We lived together when we both got our first teaching jobs, we were in each others weddings, we rejoiced at the births of our children, and through the years have enjoyed a most amazing and special bond of friendshipWould you think about coming to Huawni so you can meet your BEST FRIEND?

Pam Adams, Camp Director