Special Events

Every day is special at Camp Huawni. Every morning you’ll wake up busting at the seams ready to participate in Huawni’s special events and night activities.

Thank goodness we’re a sleepaway camp - some of your favorite activities are at night. Here’s a snapshot of the adventures that are awaiting for you this summer!

Opening Night Show

Laugh your face off as your zany counselors take the stage to present to you this year’s Opening Night Show - a mixture of improv, skits, and extra summer fun. Be sure and raise your hand high - you might get to participate!

Capture the Flag

Tag your friends, save your cabin mate, or just bob and weave your way to the flag circle! Warning: Your counselors have been known to dress up pretty silly, so watch out! And yes…dancing is encouraged!

Cane Pole Fishing

One of our most popular evening summer camp activities is more than your average cane pole fishing. Kissing a fish, canoeing, roasting a marshmallow, laughing at your counselors as they compete in Chubby Bunny, and Sing Song around the campfire are all part of this chill and fun-filled event.

Cookout, Story Telling, Truckride, & Wild Woman Hunt

Stretch out your blanket and lawn chair and come karaoke with your friends! After scarfing down a famous Huawni Hot Dog and listening to TJ tell the story of the Blue Wolf, take a front-row seat for an old-fashioned trailer ride through the mystical Piney Woods. And if you’re lucky - you might see the Wild Woman! (PS - no feeding the Wild Woman allowed!)

Talent Show

Bring your costumes, jokes, dance, and microphone. No crowd will ever yell louder than you than at Camp Huawni!

Connect Day

Want to do Critter all day? Go for it. Connect lets you do whatever activity you want with your best friends and counselors. No wonder Connect is one of the most anticipated summer camp activities at Huawni!

Phantom’s Play Day and Huawni Uprising

Just think - you wake up and, like every morning,head to Flag Pole Hill to start your day at Camp. Then, all of a sudden, you hear funky 70s music…some song called “Chicken Train” and all of a sudden you rbest friend gets snatched up by a counselor and tossed in the pool! This is only the beginning of Playday. Girls Camp, you’ll spend your morning tossing pies in your counselors’ faces, chasing minnows in the swimming pool, and mercilessly pouring ice water on your counselors’ backs. Boys Camp, you’ll break out your camo paint for the famous Huawni Uprising, a giant capture the flag game in the Piney Woods where pine cones serve as your ammo.

Hike to the Carving Trees

Put on your swimsuit and let’s head to the creek! You get to jump into a mud fight, eat (and throw!) watermelon, or carve your name in a towering beech tree next to a camper’s carving from 1968! This old-school hike is what makes Huawni one of the most sought after adventure camps in Texas!

Sing Song

Pull out the six-string and mandolin, gaze up at the stars, work up your best howl, and join in with all of Camp as you’ll get to dance and sing the day to a close. Sing Song is the harmony of Huawni Tradition and takes summer fun and memories to a whole new level.

Slip ’N Slide & Snow Cones

Pull out the giant tarp and liquid soap - it’s time for you to glide down Flagpole Hill! A snow cone to top it off when you’re done makes for your perfect day.

Fourth of July

You’ll never want to spend the Fourth of July away from Camp after you experience the joy that is the Fourth at Huawni! Get your red, white, and blue getup on, break out the glow sticks, and watch the famous Huawni Fireworks Show sponsored by TNT Fireworks!

Tribal Competition

Tribal Competition is quite simply the one tradition you’ll never want to miss. It begins with Indian paint and a ginormous fire. Find out which tribe will be yours forever: the red Caddo or the blue Tejas! Tribe members compete for the coveted Golden Pine Cone, and the winning tribe’s flag is raised on Flag Pole Hill until the tribes meet again next summer.


Picture your Tribal Competition counselors lined up with mud oozing between their toes. An enormous mud pit separates both teams as the rope stretches tightly across it. Ready…set…TUG-O-WAR! Just when you though Huawni couldn’t get any more awesome, you get to tug the rope! Yell for your tribe as you use every muscle in your body to win Tug-O-War points for Tribal Competition. And yes - one team will go flying in the mud pit…it’s mud milk after dinner!


Ever want to do a triathlon? Whether you’re a pro or just want to get your feet wet, the Huawni camper/kids triathlon is maybe the most rewarding event both to be in and watch. Swim the length of the Critter Pond, bike two miles up and down the private camp road, and trot one mile through the Piney Woods. You have what it takes!

Little Red Church

On Sunday, you’ll get to head down to the Little Red Church, quite possibly the most peaceful spot on Earth. The Little Red Church is a wonderful safe-haven where you’ll get to hang out with God, sing to your heart’s delight, and see what grace is really all about. All of your troubles seem to fade away on Sunday mornings, and it’s an awesome time to just get away and “be”.

Sunday Hike

They say, “Only the cool kids go on Sunday Hike.” Whether it’s a trek to the Indian Mounds, Turtle Rock, or Joe Shield’s old bar, Sunday Hike may soon make you a cool kid, too. Put on your jeans, boots, and brign your walking stick…it’s time for summer fun at its finest!

Water Balloon / Shaving Cream Fight

We always say “simple fun is the best fun” at Camp Huawni, but it really doesn’t get any better than you chucking water balloons and spraying shaving cream at your favorite counselors. Parents, don’t worry - we’ll keep your kiddos safe by keeping the shaving cream out of their eyes, and we’ve got plenty of water hoses to wash them off. This night is simply “CRAZY SUMMER FUN”…we’ll see you at this epic battle!

Skit Night

Whether you’re the lead singer of the band or a swaying tree in the background, there’s a significant role for you to play as you collaborate with your cabinmates in this smile-filled tradition. And here’s the cool part - WHEN your cabin wins Skit Night, you win the coveted Huawni Spirit Stick!

Cabin Traditions

One of the COOLEST things about two-weeks at Camp Huawni is that you’ll get to dive head first into your cabin tradition. Each year, as you move up a cabin, you get to experience a new cabin tradition. For girls, it could be a Princess Ball party after lights out, a late movie showing of Finding Nemo in the pool, a secret Sing Song getaway with your favorite counselors and Dr. Pepper, or girls night at the DH! For boys, you might take a late night fishing trip, go star tripping, go frog gigging, special-edition hike, or late night ultimate frisbee. One thing’s for sure - you will be spinning like a boomerang, excited to come back to experience your next cabin tradition summer after summer.


Initiation is the climax of Camp, as first-year campers get to be initiated into the Tribe of Huawni. As you continue to come back each summer, you’ll get to move up to a new tribal fire AND you’ll get a new piece of James Avery jewelry, only worn by campers who’ve come to Camp for so many years. Initiation is a solemn and meaningful end to Camp.

Summer Tree

For the first time, maybe ever, you’ll get to tell your brother, sister, or best friend how much you love ‘em. In this unforgettable camp tradition, you’ll gather with all of Camp around the famous Summer Tree as your heart speaks out. Only truth can be told under the Tree, and the smiles and tears you’ll share are a-plenty!


Celebrate good times as we reminisce the last two weeks of fun and friendships! Celebration is the night to grab your dancing shoes and head out to the Front Lawn, which has been transformed into North Country Fair! Go around to different booths with your Camp besties to play games, snack on some cotton candy, and dance the night away!