Hello Campers, Counselors, and Alumni!

The Huawni Word of the Week took a short break for a while, but it’s back! And for those of you who are just joining in…I’ll speed you up to date. Summer camps in Texas love to hold their own traditions; Camp Huawni is no different. Not only do we like to have our own traditions, we also LOVE to have our own unique sayings around Camp. We’ll be bringing you words you’ll hear around Camp and away from Camp for those who call it their Second Home.

The Camp Huawni Word:

calf rope (v.) – an exclamation used during a tussle, declaring defeat or submission.

During the Tribal Competition’s Tug of War, one often yells out “calf rope,” once their team is defeated. But the great part of being defeated is getting to play in the mud!

What were you doing the last time you declared “calf rope?”

Caleb Homer, Camp Huawni Director