Camp Huawni is a throwback to a simpler time and place. Back before cell phones and laptops. Back before video games and television took over our schedules. In fact, we don’t allow our campers to bring any of these times to Camp. We encourage our campers to leave this technology behind and step into a world of adventures in the great outdoors of our East Texas summer camp. But for the rest of the 10 months out of the year, our staff loves to stay connected to our campers and parents through Facebook, Twitter, and now: Pinterest! Pinterest is the latest craze for social media. You find something you like, you “pin” it to your board, and it can be shared with friends and strangers alike. We would love for you to follow us on Pinterest and share any pins about Huawni and the Camp life that you love most. Stay up-to-date with us throughout the year – even catch our pins during Camp – as we’ll be pinning everything from pine trees to favorite pictures of our campers to Miss Ada’s fried chicken!

Follow us here!

We can’t wait to see you all pulling up on that ol’ Camp road! Only 1 month away from your Second Home.

Ashley, Camp Assistant