Summer Camp is just around the corner! And we want you to be prepared for our great adventures at Huawni. Below is a list of what to pack for Camp AND what to leave at home.

Campers should pack enough clothes for their length of stay. We will wash clothes over the weekends for campers coming multiple sessions. Parents, PLEASE, write your child(ren)’s name/initials on all clothing items, especially socks and underwear.

Necessary Items
Footlocker Trunk/Luggage
*4 Twin Sheets & 1 Twin Mattress Pad
*1 Pillow and Pillow Case
*1 Blanket
*Towels, washcloths, & shower caddy
*Sweater or light jacket
*2 Pairs of Tennis shoes
*Shorts, shirts, & socks
*2 Pairs of Jeans (minimum)
*2 Swimsuits and pool footwear
*Church attire (for 2-week sessions)
*Toiletry articles
*Insect Repellent
*Water bottle
*Laundry bag (white mesh)
*Cap or hat
*Stamps and writing materials with addresses
Boys age 6 – 11: bring a sleeping bag

Optional Items
*Musical instrument
*Battery-operated clock and/or radio
*Fishing rod, reel, & tackle

Items to Leave at Home
*TVs, laptop computers, and cell phones – don’t worry, you will NOT miss them!
*Money – snacks and meals are covered by the Camp tuition. Camp wear purchased during the session, stamps, and emergency items can be charged and paid for by parents on closing day.
*Valuables such as expensive luggage, cameras, jewelry, etc.
*Other plug-in appliances – electric hair dryers and hot curlers can be brought to Camp, but their use will be limited.
*Glass containers – shampoo, lotion, etc. should be in plastic containers only.

Start packing your bags…we’ll see you before you know it!

Ashley Hamilton, Camp Assistant