It’s play day day day day here at Camp Huawni! The boy campers have escaped to the woods for Huawni Uprising (a Huawni-fied capture the flag in the woods!) while the girl campers play games given to us by the Phantom himself. As I type this, Chicken Train (the official song of Huawni Playday) is blasting through the speakers, and the girls have just finished up the egg toss! Next is the famous famous MOST famous, and my personal favorite, the minnow swim! Which team will reign supreme with their minnow catching skills? Only the Phantom knows!
Playday is a great way for girl campers to let their wild sides out and be nothing but silly all morning- something the real world doesn’t let us do often. The girls are divided up into teams after breakfast, and the rest of the morning before activities begin is spent donning as much of your team color as you can find! The competition is fierce, but the fun the girls have is more evident than anything else.
But summer fun isn’t had by only the girls! The boys have their own sort of fun- rather than painting themselves pink, they put on their camouflage and head to the woods. Huawni Uprising is a camp tradition that many boys look forward to each year, and for good reason! The boys play an exciting and competitive version of capture the flag in the woods, and both the victors and the defeated join together at the end for some well deserved watermelon. Playday is an exciting day for both girl and boy campers, and no matter if they win or lose each kid finishes the morning with a smile on their face!
Alex Lange