Orientation is in full swing at camp, and the counselors couldn’t be more excited to be here! The magic of Huawni is easy to see when the camp staff comes together after a year apart and we get to spend time together again as both friends and coworkers. But just like camp has new campers each year, the staff family gets to grow too! This year we are excited to have new counselors with us from both near and far. We have a new tennis coach, Michael, from Tatum who is excited to work with the campers who signed up for lessons on the new tennis courts. We also have new counselors from far away, like Claire, who flew in all of the way from WISCONSIN! All of our new counselors have jumped right in to camp and have loved it so far. We love sharing Huawni with them, but staff can’t wait to share our new friends with you!! So be on the lookout for new faces when you drive down the camp road on opening day, and be sure to say hello and get to know them!


Alex Lange, Marketing Intern

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