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Some of you might know that down CR 4235 we have a little place called the Critter Pond, which holds its namesake, the Critter. Now some people tend to mistake our dear friend the Critter with a lame imitation called the “Blob”… don’t be the person who makes that mistake. To aid those of you who need help making the distinction between these two vastly different creatures, the staff at Huawni has compiled an easy to use list of characteristics that differentiate a Blob from a Critter.

*Critters are 423% bouncier than Blobs
*Blobs are found camps such as Camp Hope from the movie Heavyweights… LAME!
*To be given permission to have a Critter at your camp you must pass through a rigorous application process, participate in a month long “Critter Certification” class, and have a large enough body of water to make sure the Critter is always happy and has plenty of room
*Blobs hold up to only two campers at once while a Critter can hold up to four… double the fun!
*Ask a blob user what a “wet banana” is… and they won’t know!

As you can see, Critters are a cut above the rest when it comes to inflatable water activities, and for good reason! We hope our list has been helpful… we’ll see you at the pond!


Alex Lange