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Session 3 campers are finally here, and we are so excited to spend the next two weeks with them! Today is their first full day of summer camp activities, and campers were more than ready to head out across camp this morning to play outside. The critter pond has been buzzing all morning, and the Cedar Flats girls got to Critter for the first time ever! The first day of activities is exciting for old and new campers alike, because so many of the activities we do at camp just can’t be done in our own backyards. Things like the Critter, Canoes, Archery, and the OC are activities that campers look forward to having the opportunity to do all year long, and can’t wait to do them once they’re here.

Campers love the activities that await them at camp, but activities like the Critter aren’t the only things that campers enjoy exclusively at camp. One of the best “activities” is the time campers get to spend with each other during their time here. There is no other time during the year that kids get to have a two week long sleepover with their best friends, and it is plain to see how much they love it! Campers get to spend time with friends they see only once a year, and living together helps them make memories they will remember for the rest of their lives. Session 3 has only just begun and the memories are already being made… we can’t wait to be a part of even more during these next two weeks!


Alex Lange