I think this capture the flag pic pretty much raps up our experience last night during CTF. The pure thrill on counselor Kelsey’s face carrying Gracelyn towards their boundary is priceless. Amber and Evan were part of the convoy that ended up in a score. There’s a lot behind the picture too that tells an even more meaningful story.

This is Kelsey’s fifth year as a counselor; she’s a veteran at loving kids unconditionally. Here she’s in her prime. Gracelyn, on Kelsey’s back, is a second generation camper. Her mom, Marla, is likely looking at this picture thinking “that’s the same fun I had when I was a camper”. Camp is in full swing, and little stories, just like this photo, are popping up moment by moment.

We had a bit of a drizzle this morning, but there was no lightening or thunder, so activities went on as usual. We’re about to have lunch, then rest period, then more activities this afternoon. Tonight will be the famous, famous, most famous Fishing Night at the iPond. I’ll give you an update later tonight after fishing.