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Session 3 Opening Day was a smooth one; we’ve got all the campers checked in and ready for two weeks of Camp!

It was a joy meeting so many returning parents, as well as our first year parents. Thank you also to you moms who requested cabin tweaks; this is always a challenge and we do the best we can to make sure they’re in the cabin they want to be in. We are still working on a few more requests; they should be all worked about by after supper.

Abigail and Olivia are happy to be back at Camp Huawni!

Before dinner we had our camper orientation. During this time, we stress three big things:

  1. Drink a lot of water!
  2. Always wear shoes
  3. Meal Process and cleaning up at your table

Tonight campers got a front seat to Opening NIght Show, a theatrical show put on by their counselors. This session’s theme was the Wizard of Oz with a twist. Dorothy landed on the cabin of Honeysuckle Hollow instead of in the Land of Oz. There was quite a bit of improv on the counselors’ part, which made the show even funnier. Opening Night Show was a hit and the kids are now in their bunks ready for their first night at camp.

Tonight will be chilly believe it or not! The low is going to be 65 degrees, so those sleeping bags will be put to good use.

Lots of smiles filled camp after check in was complete!

Parents, I hope this blog is a way for you to stay plugged into Camp for the next two weeks. We will do our best to keep you informed so that you can get a taste of what your child is experiencing here at Huawni.

Also, below, you’ll notice that you can post a comment. Please feel free to leave any comments – we would love to hear from you!

Day one is in the books… is here!