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Just as we were all ready to head over to the Initiation Pond (iPond) for some cane pole fishing, summer showers came down.

In pure camp fashion, we tweaked the schedule and headed to the Dining Hall to watch Madagascar 2. We just finished the movie and now kiddos are headed to bed a bit early. We hope to get in fishing either tomorrow or Thursday. Campers didn’t seem to mind too much; they’ve been playing hard these past two days and were ready for a break.

The rain this summer has actually been a blessing. I remember two summers ago when there was no rain at all and we were praying hard for just a few drops. The grass is green, the ponds are full, and tonight a cool breeze is sweeping across campus. Sleeping bags will be in full use tonight!

For you first year parents, you’ll be happy to know that there’s been few cases of homesickness. That’s great news, especially considering that we have a good handful of first-year campers. We’re keeping a close watch on the few cases we do have, knowing that really it’s a great opportunity for growth. If you’re a first year parent, a great book to read, especially while your child is at camp these next two weeks, is Homesick & Happy by Michael Thompson. Thompson unpacks how parents’ first instinct—to shelter their offspring above all else—is actually depriving kids of the major developmental milestones that occur through letting them go.