Wow, Camp is nearly over! What a session it’s been. Today signified one big celebration of Session 2. We started this morning with Critter Pond Mixer (CPM), where campers get their pick of activities at the Critter Pond. Campers also enjoyed our face painting station as we played some tunes over the PA system. If you were to see CPM happen today, you’d think everyone was related, because it’s really like one big family gathering. Some campers had quiet conversations over on the deck, while others soaked up their last chance to critter.

At rest period, we had your kids give us feedback surveys. I love this so much! These surveys give your children the opportunity to anonymously share important feedback for their counselors. This information is invaluable to our counselors and directors because it tells us how to get better. You’d be amazed (or maybe not so much) about how perceptive your children, even the six-year-olds, are. They are very intelligent and know how to articulate very well how camp could be better for them. We believe in learning quickly, and to do so, we take your child’s feedback very seriously. I’m proud to say that your kids rated their counselors very high.

After rest period, we headed down near the frisbee golf course to the traditional Summer Tree ceremony. Summer Tree was a tradition started by my father Mike Adams in the early 1990’s. Summer Tree gives each camper and counselor an opportunity to share what’s on their heart with all of camp. Many times campers will share heart felt words to their friends, siblings, and counselors. We read a poem, written by Mr. Mike, to start off the ceremony. One of the neatest quotes from that poem say, “but together, wisdom and innocence are rare.” This phrase gets me every time because it is so true of campers (i.e. survey feedback).

Tonight we initiated 50 new campers into the Tribe of Camp Huawni. We are so proud of each of them, it was a special night.

Finally, we ended the day a the swimming pool pavilion for Sing Song. The stars were so bright and the sky was so clear tonight that it looked like a scene out of a movie We sang You Are My Sunshine, Red House, Wagon Wheel, Now and Forever, Summer, and the Camp Song. Afterwards I got to prep our oldest campers for their serving project in the morning. It’s long been a tradition that the oldest campers serve all of camp their final breakfast.

Well, it’s lights out. We will see you in the morning!


Here’s just a quick reminder of the closing day schedule tomorrow.

10:00am Check Out at Dining Hall & Load Trunks (Please don’t come before 10am)
10:30am Your child needs to go to Flagpole Hill for camper/counselors’ final gathering as just a camp
11:00am Closing Ceremonies begin at the Dining Hall
12:00pm Camp Store Opens and closes around 1:00pm.