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This morning we woke up as usual for flag raising. After raising the flag, we announced our morning “Top 5”. This morning we announced the Top 5 places to eat that are close to Camp. When we got to #1, we said “Chick-fil-a”.

Of course, the “Chick” was the code word to start the traditional song “Chicken Train” by the Ozark Mountain Daredevils. Once this song hits the first note, campers know to run for their lives as counselors chase after them in order to safely throw them in the pool. So, Playday starts off a little wet.

The actual Playday Competition is for girls camp only, so at breakfast we announced the teams, including the Pink Wonder Women, Purple Iron Men, Yellow Hulks, and Turquoise Captain Americas. Boys camp announced teams for Uprising, our traditional capture the flag game that happens in the forrest.

I led Playday and boy was it crazy. We started off with the Egg Toss, where girls pick a team partner and toss an egg in hopes of catching it and it not breaking. Once a duo successfully tosses an egg without it breaking, they take a step back and throw from a further distance. The last team standing wins the Egg Toss. This event ended with me getting two eggs smashed on my head. I guess you could say my head got scrambled a bit. Next we kicked off with Pie in the Eye. This events allows campers to throw a pie of whip cream in their counselors’ face. You get 3 points for a face full of whip cream, 2 points for half a face of whip cream, and 1 point for just hitting the face. After that, we headed over to one of my favorite events, Minnow Chase. We dumped about 100 minnows into our swimming pool and had the girls go catch them. The team who catches the most minnows wins this event. Finally, we finished with Ice Water on the Counselors’ Back. Each counselor is tied to a number, and when picked, hops on all fours and gets ice water poured on their back by campers. The kids love it.

Huawni Uprising
I love this picture of Manuel sprinting his flag back across to his side. Huawni Uprising is the perfect game for boys. They get to be courageous and adventurous while doing so with their buddies in the woods. The Black Commandos ousted the Green Buret today 5 to 4.

Manuel races his flag across enemy lines during Huawni Uprising.

We are headed to dinner right now. It’s actually pretty cool at Camp and we’ve got a slight breeze. We’ll have free time after supper, and camp continues on.

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