Fishing at the iPond last night was a delight. We went old school, using real cane poles and bobbers to try and hook the “lunker”. For many campers, it was their very first fishing trip. I love seeing this happen, as kids learn the basics of putting a worm on the line, casting the line out, and then waiting for the bite. Yes…patience is a virtue and a practiced one on fishing night at camp.

Campers caught quite a few fish; I saw bass, perch, and even a carp looking fish. Midway through our evening we held the famous, famous, most famous squaw canoe relay. Girls counselors battled it out the for the fastest canoe finish. The highlight of the squaw relay came when Madison M. jumped from her canoe to stop Kelsey, Erin, and Jordan’s canoe, which was in first. Madison did a belly flog into the pond, and was completely soaked! Those counselors really will do anything to entertain the kids, huh?

Next, we wetted our appetites with s’mores and I led camp in Sing Song. Sing Song is a traditional activity where all of camp gathers to sing old and new songs, some of which we’ve been singing since Camp Huawni was established in 1965. We sang You Are My Sunshine, When I First Came to This Land, Froggie Went A Courtin’, Shelby County Breeze, Red House, Wagon Wheel, Now & Forever, and the Camp Song. It was beautiful night neath a glowing half moon. I also encouraged campers at sing song to really embrace nature. I had them stop and listen to the crickets and frogs. We take this for granted at camp, but for those of us who live in the city or in the suburbs, this is a simple part of life that we miss out on.

We’re ready to hop in a canoe!

Michael is a happy fisherman!

Holly catches a fish!

Morning Activities
We’ve had a beautiful day thus far and we’ve been full bore ahead with activities. This afternoon we’ll get to enjoy a hike to the Carving Trees. Rest assured we’ll get muddy and get to eat some ice cold watermelon.

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