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This week is a special week! Why so? This week our year-round staff will head to Hico, Texas, for a staff retreat. Our sole purpose for this trip is to make camp better.

Thank you to all our camp families out there who gave us feedback on the back end of your camp session. We really do take your feedback seriously. We will read, discuss, and scrutinize every comment this week to see what you have to say and how best to implement things that make sense for a better camper experience.

I’d like to thank the Pritchard Family for making this week possible; they have so generously opened up their ranch to us all week! We are so grateful- thank you Curtis, Diane, Price, Michael Anne, and Parks!

If and when we have any major breakthroughs this week, I’ll be sure and let you know. For those who want automatic email updates, be sure and click the “Subscribe via email” or “RSS” links on our main blog/news page.