Are you considering overnight summer camp for the very first time for your child? Why might summer camp be a smart investment? What are the real benefits, for your child and for you?

We have compiled a list of six resources every camp parent should see, just for you. Each resource answers an important question you may be asking as you prepare to give your child the experience of summer camp. Enjoy!

1. Why is camp good for parents?

Summer Camp: Great for Kids, Even Better for ParentsTime Magazine

2. How does unplugging my kid from technology benefit my child long-term?

Unplugging Our KidsTed Talk

3. How does summer camp play a role in catapulting my child forward?

What’s Needed to Prepare Your Child for the Future?Huffington Post

4. How does summer camp prepare my child for college and independence?

Creating Advantage in CollegePsychology Today

5. What’s the real value of summer camp…really?

The Value of Summer CampWhite Paper by Camp Huawni

6. Why is homesickness a crucial growth opportunity for my child?

Homesick & Happyby Michael Thompson