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At the conclusion of last summer I asked our men’s staff the question, “Who do you respect most on staff?” Without hesitation, the name that was mentioned over and over was “Juanse”. Juasne is the epitome of a servant leader; he leads by example both at Camp and at East Texas Baptist University, where he just finished serving as the men’s varsity soccer captain (along with Pete Fitzsimmons). When I think of Juanse, I think of the word humility.

I am proud to introduce this summer’s mens senior counselor, Juanse Ramirez. Here’s what Juanse had to say about Camp in a recent chat.

TEA: What about Camp makes your heart beat? Why are you so passionate about it?

RM: Seeing all the smiles in all the kid’s faces is what makes my heart beat because there’s no better feeling than when kids are enjoying themselves, being who they are, and just loving life!

TEA: What’s your favorite Camp story?

RM: I remember when I was sitting in Band Aid last summer trying to come up with a skit for skit night with my campers. I was amazed at their creativity and humor. Just seeing them act stuff out and adding things to it off the top of their head was definitely priceless! We ended up winning skit night, confirming my kids’ creativity and talent!

TEA: What are you most looking forward to about this particular summer?

RM: What I’m most looking forward to this summer is not only seeing all the amazing friends I met last summer, but also all the new ones I’ll be meeting this summer!

TEA: What do you want to say to the campers today?

RM: I miss all of you so much and I’m counting down the days until we are all together again! I can’t wait for all the fun that’s in store for us!