On Wednesday we partook in All Day Tribal Competition. I thoroughly enjoy this day because all of camp is together, and campers really get into it. Even for our campers who are not necessarily competitive, all day Tribal Comp is something they enjoy. I especially love seeing our counselors, and even campers, encourage one another. You see this even with kids on opposing teams. Several times yesterday I saw Caddo cheering on Tejas and visa versa.

In the morning events, Tejas won both Soccer Kick Around The Pool and Hot Shot. Then, in the last morning event, Caddo won the OC Team Run (Obstacle Course). OC Team Run was interesting considering a recent rain storm washed away the entire rope swing platform. Mr. Matt Gregory built a brand new one, but it was still a little too short to swing across. So, during yesterday’s event, the obstacle was running through the creek over a small bridge submerged in about two inches of water. Campers had to wait until their teammate crossed the other side of the creek (including a 15 yard dash up a sand hill) before they were allowed to cross the creek themselves. Watching campers’ determination running up the sand bank was truly remarkable. Every camper was putting in 110% to get through that part of the course in order to help their team finish with a quicker time.

Caleb coaches his kiddos in Soccer Kick Around the Pool.

Caddo cheer on their teammates at Hot Shot.

Tejas won by a mere 3 shots in Hot Shot.

Tejas cheer on their teammates to finish the OC Team Run.

After rest period, we competed in the Inner Tube Relay, a swimming relay in the pool, Huawni Derby, a three-stage inner tube relay around the Critter Pond with two run stages and one swim stage, and Run for the Roses, a campus wide run relay with batons. Tejas won both the Inner Tube Relay and Huawni Derby pretty handily. But in Run for the Roses, Caddo put up a big fight. With only a few legs left, Caddo was quickly catching Tejas, who led by about 50 yards. In the end, Tejas won, but Caddo put up a valiant effort. Caddo did not give up though; in our Tug-O-War match after supper, Caddo pulled their way to a late victory, and their flag was raised at Flag Raising this morning.

Marshall pushes hard in the longest run stage of Huawni Derby.

Lauren races with her campers in Stage #2 of the Derby.

Teams race up the Camp Road during the early stages of Run for the Roses.

There’s one tribal competition event left— the famous Archery Tournament, which will happen tonight after supper.

Today we’ve got Choice, and campers are enjoying these last few precious moments of camp together. Tonight we’ll surprise the campers with Celebration. We’ll decorate the entire Dining Hall with a theme night and have carnival games and dancing. This is our next to last night to celebrate a great session together.

How competitive is your child at home? What is it about Tribal competition that your child loves?