Opening Night Show (ONS) was a hit last night. Our counseling staff put on a theatrical show that was a spinoff of Freaky Friday. Staff played the role of counselors and campers, and aliens came down from Outer Space and switched their personalities. I’d like to thank Director Emeritus Chris Watlington, who once again directed this session’s ONS. Chris is a masterful director and has given so much back to Huawni, even after departing as our full-time director in the 90’s.

After ONS campers headed to their cabins for their first cabin time. Cabin time is a unique opportunities for cabin mates to spend quality time together in the cabin. Many campers play card games, tell stories, or ask intentional questions to get to better know one another. Counselors also lay down the guidelines and expectations for the cabin. One other neat thing they do is create a bucket list, which is a list of things campers would like to do together with their cabin before camp ends. Cabins are rewarded for good behavior with bucket list items.

Campers flood Pete with raised hands in hopes of being picked to volunteer.

Campers look on in curiosity at Opening Night Show.

Claire, Jessica, Maggie, Kathryn and Kristan get Opening Night Show started.

This morning we woke up to the beautiful sunshine on Flagpole Hill. Again, our new flagpole, donated by our generous alumni, stood beautifully atop Flagpole Hill. It adds so much to Flag Raising. Thank you again to you alumni who made this happen! We had scrambled eggs, biscuits, fresh fruit, yogurt, and cereal for breakfast. Campers soon cleaned up their tables and then walked to the cabin for cabin cleanup. Yes…we teach them to sweep, clean, and tidy up their belongings!

We just finished up morning activities. It was nice to see our two new activities, low ropes and paintball, in full swing. This afternoon will be chalked full of three more activities per activity group, and then tonight we’ll lace up the tennis shoes for a big game of Capture the Flag on the Front Lawn.

So far we don’t have any stage 2 homesick cases. We haven’t had much time to breath, and most of our campers this session (other than the youngsters) have been to camp before. None the less, I’ll be blogging soon on the book Homesick and Happy.

Likewise, I want you parents to comment on these blogs below. My question today is- how have you seen camp impact your child? For you first-year camp parents, how do you hope camp impacts your child this session?
