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Summer Camp. You’ve always heard of the fun, excitement, and growth that your friends’ children have gotten out of going, but for you it’s still a mystery. Well, we have a solution just for you! In a little over a week and a half, we are opening up Camp Huawni’s doors for you to come spend half a day getting to know our Camp family, take a tour of campus grounds, and even getting to take a dive in our Riviera Swimming Pool. It’s a great opportunity to see what we’re about and answer any questions you may have face-to-face. For more details and to RSVP, see below.

  • Date: Saturday, June 21
  • Time: 9am – 1:00PM (lunch is included)
  • Who: You and your potential campers
  • What: Meet Travis and Rachel, our Camp Directors, get a personal tour around camp, and ask any questions you might have about Camp. We’ll also send you home with a Camper Packet loaded with information about Camp Huawni (and a coupon on tuition as well!).


For any questions, please contact us by email at or by phone: 936.254.3223.