Thankfully yesterday we dodged the rain in the region. That was a blessing, because it allowed us shape up the soccer field a bit, paint the lines, and play a competitive game of soccer. Both the younger campers and older campers got to compete in their own separate matches, and even the counselors got in on the action. I have to admit, I did join the Tejas team to compete and it was a lot of fun. It was fun too to see the campers on the reverse side of things cheering on their counselors.
After everyone got hot and sweaty, we cooled down by enjoying a night at the pool. Counselors prepared some delicious snow cones as campers and counselors sat on flagpole hill soaking up the evening.
This morning the sun is shining again, and campers just finished up their last cabin inspection. Cabin inspection is maybe one of our most under-rated activities at Camp. Teaching a child to clean their own space, and help others clean theirs, is a valuable skill. I’ve had many parents share with me post camp that cabin inspection helped their child learn responsibility. Once campers get the hang of it, there’s a sense of accomplishment seldom experienced by some children. Today was the last day of cabin inspection, and tonight we’ll announce the winners, who’ll get treated with a pizza party.
Today is really a celebration for the kids, and our one-week schedule really affords us the opportunity to do that. Campers have regular activities in the morning and Critter Pond Mixer (CPM) this afternoon. CPM is one big party at the Critter Pond. We open up the slide, Critter, Trolley, and kitty pool. We bring over the PA system and even open up a face-painting station. It’s a neat way to all be together on the last day and enjoy campers’ favorite area at Camp.
Tonight we’ll get the opportunity to initiate nearly 50 new campers into the Tribe of Huawni. Initiation at Camp is a neat tradition; it gives children a sense of being… a sense of belonging. In fact, over the years I think Initiation has gained in importance for children because rarely today do kids get to experience “rite of passage” type ceremonies. We just don’t do them that often anymore. For many children, Initiation is a time to remember and embrace their week at Camp.
It’s hard to believe Session 1 is nearly over! Here’s a few things to remember:
Checkout time is from 10am to 11am. Checkout involves two things: loading up your camper’s belongings and checking out at the Dining Hall.
At 11am, your child will meet you in the Dining Hall for our Closing Ceremonies. We should be done before noon.
The camp store will be open, so feel free to grab camp gear if you like.