Can you believe it’s already Tuesday? Our last 24 hours here has been very enjoyable! Yesterday we hosted our Huawni Camper Triathlon. We started the triathlon a few years ago and it stuck like glue. There’s many thing we do at Camp that don’t require any athleticism; the Triathlon is one of the things we do do that allows children to let loose their competitive nature. I also love seeing all the campers who don’t participate run with and cheer on their friends. This truly is what makes the Huawni Triathlon special. The Huawni Triathlon runs the length of just over 3 miles. Campers start off with a 80 yard swim, then move to a 2 mile bike, and finish with a 1.25 mile run. It’s a bear of a race.

Want to see the results? Here you go!

| Mateo S. | 15:49 | 1st in 13+ | | Sage H. | 20:05 | | Douglas B. | 18.26 | | Kat M. | 19:41 | 1st in 13+ | | Macy B. | 22:47 | | Dominique S. | 20:47 | | Keaton W. | 19:16 | | Cooper H. | 21:35 | | Bo H. | 19:01 | 1st in 12- | | Baird H. | 19:23 | | SJ P. | 23:14 | | Alex D. | 23:12 | | Katherine K. | 22:04 | | Cece C. | 28:47 | | Elizabeth Anne P. | 23.49 | | Grant A. | 20:49 | | Mallory F. | 21:29 | | Rachel G. | 29:07 | | Sam P. | 21:37 | | Tucker W. | 20:20 | | Hope H. | 31:00 | | Ansley G. | 24:36 | | Chloe B. | 23:27 | | Gracelyn C. | 22:30 | | Zachary S. | 19:37 | | Emily A. | 22:14 | | Lauren Grace A. | 21:54 | | Michael S. | 24:18 | | Maddie S. | 24.52 | | Piper M. | 24:43 | | Jack B. | 21:01 | | Jackson K. | 22:55 | | Madden B. | 17:32 | 1st in 12- | | Evan E. | 19:00 |

I am so proud of all of our contestants. Also, it was pretty amazing that Bo H., an 8 year old, won 1st place for the 12 and under division. I can’t imagine what he’ll be running when he’s 16!

Heat #1 gears up for the start of the Huawni Triathlon.

EA transitions from bike to run.

Heat #4 of the triathlon take the plunge in the swimming leg.

The girls are ready for triathlon!

A few boys were more interested in rolling down the hill than in the triathlon. None the less, they had fun!

SJ pushes through to the finish!

Sage pushes it to the finish.

After triathlon we switched gears and hosted our Miss Huawni Pageant. Miss Huawni is an important night for girls camp; our purpose is to encourage and affirm girls camp in the fact that inner beauty is what really matters. We had a lovely pageant, and I’m always amazed at the courage that each girl camper exhibits by putting themselves out there to all of camp. They perform a talent, answer a question, are affirmed verbally by their boy camper escort, and get to show off their gifts and passions. When it was all said and done, Sarah Jane P. won Miss Huawni 2014 Session 2! Congratulations to SJ and all our contestants for putting on a stellar Miss Huawni.

Miss Huawni contestants take their final walk.

Bo escorts Miss Lily Pad, Mary Blaire.

Amber represented the Caddo Tribe in MIss Huawni.

SJ right before she was crowned Miss Huawni, Session 2, 2014!

This morning we had a bit of a rain storm and took a break by watching a movie, Monster’s University. This afternoon we’re back to regular activities, and soon we’ll be gearing up for Round 2 of the Wiffleball World Series. Also, I’ve posted a few more tribal fire pics for you parents requesting them. I love your feedback and I hope you like them. Likewise, I’d love to hear more from you on the Homesick and Happy post. One mom wanted to give a copy of the book to her friend who is skeptical of overnight camp; I’m sending it via Amazon today!

How are you doing as a parent in week 2? If your child competed in the Triathlon, tell us how you feel!

Pete lights the Tribal Fire as we begin the ceremony.

Counselor coaches gather around the fire before starting the team announcements.