Last evening we officially inducted all of our first time two-week campers into the Caddo and Tejas Tribal Competition Tribes. This ceremony is one of the few solemn ceremonies we have, and campers really get into it. We start off the ceremony by playing tribal, Native American music over the PA while counselors take position behind the Snake Pond dam. After the fire is lit, counselors (coaches), walk on top of the dam so that campers can see them. Once campers’ names are announced, they are greeted by their respective tribes with open arms and sign their name in the Caddo or Tejas tribe books. Both tribes also vote for a team leader (chief or princess) and a Miss Huawni representative. Tejas chose Kathlyn M. as their Princess and Megan D. as their Miss Huawni representative. Caddo chose Sage H. as their Princess and Amber M. as their Miss Huawni representative.

Here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for!

New Caddo Tribe Members

Addison G.
Claire S.
Lucy S.
Mary Blair M.
Riley C.
Tyley S.
Adeline B.
Annie T.
Claire D.
Avery M.
Grace G.
Alex G.
Emily M.
Grace B.
Piper M.
Hope H.
Rylie L.
Mariana B.
Erin E.
Alex D.
Caden B.
Will T.
Jonathan W.
Ryan B.
Brody G.
Evan E.
Jackson K.
Tucker W.
Josh O.
Keaton W.
Nathaniel H.

New Tejas Members

Isabella B.
Emmalynn B.
Annie C.
Caroline A.
Megan D.
Ruth M.
Tinsley P.
Isabella P.
Elizabeth C.
Rebecca H.
Lauren S.
Lulu B.
Holly S.
Kenzie S.
Natalie S.
Laura H.
Lindsey E.
Lilli H.
Baird H.
Graham S.
Jackson E.
Tate B.
Cameron S.
Jack B.
Jacob O.
Konnor C.
Michael S.
Aaron O.
Josh C.
Nader N.

Get Caddo/Tejas Gear Delivered To Your Camper

Since your child just joined a tribe, they likely don’t have any Caddo/Tejas gear to wear. If you’d like to purchase gear, you may do so online and we’ll deliver it to your camper today.

Here’s a link to the gear:
Caddo/Tejas Retro Jersey
Caddo/Tejas Throwback Jersey
Caddo/Tejas Sunglasses
Caddo/Tejas Tattoos

I’d also like to say a big thank you to our work crew who built the fire yesterday. The Tribal Fire is a big undertaking; thank you to Pete and crew for doing a marvelous job and making last night so special!

Parents, what are you fondest memories of Tribal Competition? What do you kids love most about Tribal Competition?

James and crew put up the final log yesterday.

Pete, Jacob, Brett, and James worked a full day constructing the Tribal Fire. We are so grateful for these men.

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