Our first full day of Camp is in the books, and we got off to a great start here on Monday with a full slate of activities. The sun shined again here at Camp Huawni, which is a nice change, as camp is drying up from all the spring rains. There’s been no need for mud boots all this week!

During a regular day of activities, campers will have 3 activities in the morning, and 3 activities in the afternoon. I polled some of our boy campers last night, and yet again Critter was a favorite activity. For those who didn’t get Critter on their schedule today, they should be getting it today.

After supper we put on our boots and jeans and fishing shirts and headed to the Initiation Pond (a.k.a. iPond) for our traditional cane pole fishing night. Campers caught fish a plenty, and then we all feasted on some s’mores. Next, campers cheered on their favorite counselor as several counselors competed in a chubby bunny match. Lindsey Gabel was our winner! And then, finally, we finished the evening with a Sing Song. Sing Song is usually done at the end of the day where all of camp comes together and sings traditional camp songs. Last night we sang You Are My Sunshine, When I First Came To This Land, Froggie Went A Courtin’, Wagon Wheel, Shelby County Breeze, Red House, and the Camp Song.

Our youngest cabins were tuckered out, so they received a little trailer ride back to main campus. It was a fitting end to a full day.

Kate and Erica chomp on some s’mores.

We get amped up about fishing!

Cane pole fishing brings a smile to your face.

Vince entertains Kaylee with his energy!

Caroline was fully geared up with her head lamp!

Today is full of more activities, and then tonight will be the much awaited Talent Show!

Parents, is your child planning on participating in the Talent Show tonight? If so, tell us about it!

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