Tuesday is an important day here at Camp Huawni because that means fishing! We believe that simple fun is the most fun, and fishing, and cane pole fishing at that, may be one of the most simple things we do that campers go nuts over. They love it, and last night was no different.

We were a little uncertain of the weather, but the rain held off long enough to allow our trip to the Initiation Pond (iPond) where we have fishing. We do fishing old school, with cane poles, bobbers, and real worms. And, we caught plenty of fish. We also had the squaw relay last night, which is a girls staff canoe race. The goal is to finish before the other canoe, all the while dodging the sharks (men’s staff in the water) who are trying to tip their canoe. Needless to say, they all got wet. We then had a chubby bunny challenge with counselors and Jake Gillham came away as the champion. As the sun began to set, we ended the night with a Sing Song and I told the story of Asia Jones. Last night we sung You Are My Sunshine, When I First Came to This Land, Froggie Went a Courtin’, Shelby County Breeze, Bear’s Song, Mandi’s Song, Summer, and the Camp Song. I have to say, these Session 2 campers really love sing song and know almost all the words. They were belting it out last night, which made Sing Song extra fun and enjoyable.

Lauren wets a line hoping for a bite!

Baird sports his fishing shirt, a popular attire here on fishing night.

Andrew finds a turtle.

Gracelyn attempts to eat a worm…a real worm!

The proper grip is demonstrated here…well done!

Weather Update

So far the weather has been fine here at Camp. We’ve mostly just experienced rain, both last night after Fishing and then later this morning. We have zero high winds, and no lightning, and thus far the tropical storm has had little affect here.

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