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Today was history in the making, as we opened the gates to our first ever two-week Session 4. Traditionally, Session 4 has been a one-week session, but because of high demand for another two-week session, it’s now two weeks.

Today was special on several accounts. First, we have a handful of campers experiencing Huawni for the very first time. Secondly, we have many of our campers who are experiencing two weeks of camp for the first time. And finally, we have many campers who have heard about Huawni for years from relatives who today for the first time finally got here.

Pretty soon we’ll be heading to the Dining Hall for some of Ms. Ada’s famous, famous, MOST FAMOUS, fried chicken!! After some free after supper time, we’ll host campers for the Opening Night Show, emceed by none other than director emeritus Chris Watlington. Campers will get their first cabin time tonight as well, as they get to know their entire cabin and begin making a bucket list for the session. Bucket lists are a relatively new tradition where campers make a dream list of things they’d love to do while here at camp. When a cabin is on good behavior, they get to do bucket list items throughout the session.

Gage found his boy camp counselors!

Even our Huawni Parents were having a good time on Opening Day!


Is this your child’s first time at a sleepaway camp? To you parents who answered yes, I want you to be put at ease, as what your camper may be experiencing is normal (even though it can be very difficult!). While your child is growing at camp, I want to use this week as an opportunity for you to better understand homesickness and grow right alongside your child.

I strongly suggest you read this blog/commentary I’ve written on Dr. Michael Thompson’s book Homesick & Happy.

Chapter 1 – Off They Go

First-time Huawni parents, if you’d like a free copy of this book, please comment below on this blog and I’ll send you a free copy.

As a camper parent, what are you most excited about and anxious about as your child attends Session 4?