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This morning campers and counselors awoke after a successful night of cane pole fishing at the Initiation Pond which included a lot of fishing, smores and of course, Sing Song led by Travis. Singing songs such as Shelby County Breeze and Preacher and the Bear ended the night on a perfect note allowing campers and counselors to head back to camp ready for what the night had in store. Whether cabins decided to check an item off of their bucket list (a list of what campers want to do before camp is over) or call it a night, it was indeed a perfect Tuesday night.

Billy assists Sophia in baiting her fishing hook


Wednesday morning started one of my favorite days at camp. Instead of an alarm clock or some nice, soothing music to wake campers up, Huawni counselors provided the perfect wake up call for every camper on Flag Pole Hill: throwing them in the pool! Thus Phantom’s Play Day was underway. Whether campers ran from their counselors or gave in right away, every camper walked into the dining hall hungry, wet, and wide awake for a fun day at camp.

After breakfast, girls camp went to play day and boys camp headed to the Initiation Pond for Uprising, a game of capture the flag mixed with a pine cone war. While out on the battlefield, both the green team and the black team huddled with their Commanders and came up with a game plan. For the black team, led by Private Grasch, their strategy was to lay low and wait for the enemy to grow impatient and attack. For the green team, led by Private Kruppa and myself, Private Martin, the strategy was the exact opposite: wear out the enemy and attack them relentlessly.

In round one, the black team was able to keep pace with the green team’s fast paced attack. Neither team was able to secure the base though which meant that round two was going to be quite interesting. The black team decided to pick up the pace in the second round in which there was a bit of a time constraint before they would be spotted by the green team.

The black team secured the enemy’s flag within 30 minutes and it was off to the races to see if they would be able to get back to home base before being stopped by the green team. Both medics were shot down early in the game so if they were unable to reach home base, the game would restart. Clayton, for the green team, was hot on their tails ready to fire pine cones at the black team and he was successful in his attempts. However, the black team was smart in their approach and brought in back up for Zach who was hit by Clayton and they were still able to reach their side of the battlefield securing a victory for the black team.

Jack, Andrew and Austin show off their flag before they hide it during Uprising

It was a great morning for boy’s and girl’s camp as it served as an amazing opportunity to bond with new friends.

This afternoon has started off with nothing but smiles and blue skies! With Capture the Flag tonight, today is certain to be another great day at Camp Huawni!

-Billy Martin

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