Last Thursday our Director of Operations, Juanse, was concerned. I could tell it was urgent. He said, “Travis, the Critter has a tear in it.” This was a big bummer for us both. In our heads we both knew… we had to have Critter for Session 4! Within the next few hours Juanse contacted Springfield Special Products (SSP) in Springfield, Missouri, to see what our options were. It would take 4-6 weeks to order a new one and the treatment to fix the critter required special heating equipment only available at SSP. It was not a choice to NOT have Critter Session 4.

This is how the Critter saved Session 4 and the end of our summer. Juanse immediately scheduled a repair job with SSP for 8am Monday morning in Springfield. After getting Opening Day operations all set up, around 2:45pm Juanse hopped in the F-150 along with Jake with Critter in tow and headed for a 8 hour trip up to Springfield. The guys arrived in Springfield around 1:30am Monday morning, took a nap, and had the Critter on site at SSP for the early appointment. A few hours later, the Critter was fixed and soon Juanse and Jake were headed back to Camp. They arrived at 12:30am last night, and at 8:45am this morning the Critter was being put back in the Critter Pond, ready for it’s first jump.

Juanse and Jake pack up the Critter as they headed for Spingfield, Missouri.

Men’s Staff loads up the Critter…next stop Springfield, MO!

The Critter passed by Friendship, AR on 8 hour trek to Springfield.

Jake and Juanse pick up the Critter at Springfield Special Products after it was repaired.

I would like to personally thank Juanse and Jake for going the extra mile (literally) to make Critter happen this Session. This determination by our staff is truly just one example of how they have LTK’d (love the kids) all summer long. And, 48 hours later, the Critter is back at home, putting smiles a few familiar faces.

Camp Update

Day 2 here at Session 4 is in full swing. It’s been sunny and warm all day and campers have been enjoying regularly scheduled activities. I have been very encouraged with the progress of a few of our homesick campers. They are making small and big strides and getting into the flow of Camp. I spoke with a mom earlier today and reminded her that comfort is the enemy of growth, and campers are adjusting to the uncomfortableness.

Tonight we will hike over to the Initiation Pond (iPond) and do some old school cane pole fishing and enjoy s’mores and a sing song. That’s all for now…we will keep you posted!

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