Saturday at Camp brought sunny skies, a half-mile hike down the camp road, and watermelon mud. That’s right, this afternoon all of camp made the medium trek to a cool little spot we call the Carving Trees. This spot is unique because there’s a big bend in Pinson Creek, with one side of the creek scaling about 25 feet high. There is also a massive bunch of beech trees whose trunks have the carvings by folks all the way back to the 1960’s. Once we got there, campers enjoyed continuous mud fights and ice-cold watermelon. Mandi and I got to join in today and got in on the mud fight ourselves. The adage goes— the muddier we get, the better the hike. That was true today, and I was reminded of how simple fun really is the best fun.

Mud only makes us happy here at Huawni.

It still amazes me that such a simple activity can be so much fun. I really enjoyed seeing some of our campers who really have never spent much time in the woods soak up this time with their friends. The memory of air conditioning is now long gone. The worry of keeping clean had vanished. Any fear of being covered with sticky watermelon was an after thought. These kids were in it— it being the creek, the moment, and the fun.

Everyone is cleaning up now for supper. Tonight in the Front Yard we will host a big cookout, listen to traditional Huawni Stories from Mr. Mike, and then hop on a truck ride through the piney woods looking for the wild woman. We hope to see her!

The mud fight ensued today down in the Pinson Creek.

It is hard to believe we are half way done with camp. Many of those nervous, first day jitters have been replaced with comfortable and frequent smiles. Nearly all of our homesick cases have vanished, and we are enjoying the fullness that is camp. Tomorrow morning we will sleep in and then enjoy worship at the Little Red Church just down the road from here. Sunday is a time where we try and model rest, so you likely won’t get another post until Monday. We are loving this bunch— thank you again for sharing with us your remarkable children!

Tribal Competition Soccer Update

In a battle for the first team tribal comp event, Caddo won Soccer Friday night 4-1. Our coaches for both tribes did a fantastic job of building their campers up all night. Miguel M.,
Brooke F. (2 times), and Anderson M. all notched scores for the Caddo. Tyler P. scored the lone goal for Tejas. As you can see from this picture, these campers were very encouraging to one another. They joy on Tyler’s face is priceless!

Tyler knocks in the lone goal for the Tejas and celebrates with teammates afterwards!

Tomorrow evening Caddo and Tejas will face off again for Round 1 of the Wiffleball World Series (WWS). Tejas will look to make a comeback with a lot of competition left to be played. Session 4 Tribal Competition is especially a big deal because the champion’s flag will fly on Flagpole Hill all year until next summer. There are both Caddo and Tejas campers from other sessions likely cheering on their team. We are excited to see how it ends up!

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