We are in full getting camp ready mode and we are excited to show you campers and parents a sneak peak of what’s going on at Camp.

We are continuously trying to create environments for campers to grow and know their true selves. A big part of campers Huawni experience, as many of you know, is spent in the cabin.

In addition to the new Boys Bathhouse being completed, we are doing a few more thing in boys camp to as we near Session 1. Bob has been busy changing out new window screens, replacing old boards and steps, and spraying on a fresh coat of Huawni Brown paint onto all our Boys Camp cabins. Hopefully when we get done they’ll match nicely with the new bathhouse. We are also laying quite a bit of new bermuda sod on Flagpole Hill as construction on the bathhouse has required it.

This week we’re also putting out a lot of fertilizer to make our lawns extra green and doing a little work on the Critter Pond towers. Camp is really shaping up and looking good.

This last week I got to take the boys over to Huawni Pond to go fishing. It was actually our first official fishing outing. After two years of being stocked with fish, I’m happy to report that we caught our first bass! Actually, we nearly caught our first bass. We reeled it in about 3 feet from shore and then it released itself.

We are getting excited as we near Opening Day. Kelsey and Juanse and I are already putting the last minute touches on the summer schedule and we are really excited about hosting our Huawni Counselors as we near Orientation.

We will keep you posted!

All the best,

Bob has been replacing old boards with new boards on our cabins.

James waters the new sod at camp.

We replicated the mint Elgin Butler Brick from the old bathhouse into the new one.

John Brooks casts a line out at Huawni Pond

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