Hello there! For those who don’t know me, my name is Bethanney and this is my second year at camp. As this is my first time writing a blog post for camp, I wanted to talk a little about why I returned to camp.

First, a little backstory—I went to a small Christian summer camp in the hill country as a child and absolutely loved it. Years later when I had the opportunity to become a counselor here at Huawni, I jumped on it. Like many people here, I quickly began to think of Huawni as a second home. Before the summer ended, I knew that I would try my hardest to return to camp next summer. So one year later, here I am!

As one would expect, camp makes improvements a little each year. However, the people and things that made camp my second home remain. These people, every single camper and the staff, are my primary reason for camp. The social environment is unlike anywhere else I’ve known. My favorite memories of camp all involve moments where someone has gotten out of their comfort zone or when camp is united as a whole.

One example of this is from last summer. After soccer, some of the girls in my cabin we disheartened by the tough loss. As my fellow counselors and I walked with the girls toward Sun Up, we were concerned that it would be a difficult night for the cabin. Rather than focusing on the game, all of our girls exchanged words of encouragement and as we climbed the stairs the girls started chanting “Sun Up!” It was one of the moments where I knew the impact that camp has on everyone who walks through camp’s gate.

That being said, I know that I’m not the only counselor with a distinctive experience like this. Each and every counselor at camp has a reason for being here and I want y’all to get a feel for how much staff cares for the kids and camp as a whole. So if there are any specific question that you are dying to know about our counselors, feel free to comment on this post!

Nannette runs the obstacle course for Tejas

Caddo celebrates after Will makes a basket during Hotshot

Lauren shows some Tejas spirit during All Day Tribal Comp

Caddo during the team OC Run