There is something special about catching your very first fish. Last night that was case for Tristian R. who caught his first fish with a cane pole. It was a special moment when Davis, his counselor, came running down the iPond dam yelling, “Tristian caught a fish…Tristian caught a fish!” There was pure joy on both Davis and Tristian’s faces as they got a picture with his first catch.
These are the moments that are beginning to happen at Camp this week. We like to say that simple fun is the most fun, and in most settings, these small moments might even get overlooked. Not at camp. Kids and moments like these are celebrated throughout the day, and the only day anyone is really looking to is today…in the present. We hope to enjoy more of these moments as we start day three here at Camp.
This morning we ate family style, eating some delicious french toast with blueberries, bananas and some crispy bacon. Campers then headed to their cabins for cabin inspection. We know that many of you parents want your child to learn to take responsibility, and inspection is integral in them learning that while at camp. Sweeping, picking up trash, putting away cloths (especially wet ones), organizing their trunks, making their beds, and last but certainly not least, brushing their teeth, are all things we check for during inspection. On top of that, our senior counselor inspectors also dress up in character as they do the inspecting, which makes it extra fun for the kids. This has been a long-standing tradition at Huawni and it’s neat to see it continue still today.
Currently campers are at activities. We will pack in 6 activities by day’s end and then tonight we will cheer on our campers at the Talent Show.
If we only accomplish one thing this week, it’s that our campers would walk away from Session 1 better knowing their true significance and purpose. This looks a little different for each of us because we’re all at different stages in life. And there are little moments I believe that happen that help us better answer the question who am I?. I had a sweet moment this morning where I got to talk to one of our boy campers about this very thing. He wanted to share with me more about what was going on in his life. I was grateful that he’d be willing to share how he’s doing. I got to listen and better understand what all was going on. It reminded me that we all have challenges in life, whether we’re 17 or 37. Through this conversation I did my best to encourage him and point him to things that are true. It was another encouraging moment and I am hopeful it will be one that this camper will remember throughout the year.
I am very encouraged by the progress our homesick kids are making this week. I know many of you have talked Vanessa, Kelsey, or myself about your homesick kids. I am so very proud of your kiddos and how they are working through this and growing in a way they can only do away from home!
Thank you for sharing your children with us. We are loving this group of kids!