Last Wednesday our cabins counselors took some time to write mid session letters to our parents. These letters detailed special moments that our staff have experienced with your children as well as encouragement to our parents tied to how we are seeing your children literally grow up into their true selves.

I am so grateful that these letters have made it to your mailbox. I got this note today from one of our Session 2 families.

My favorite throw-back thing ever…camper reports!! Means so so much to me as a parent!! Staff is knocking it out of the park!! Thanks so much for this!

Here is the rest of the story. We have faithful Huawni Families who support us in so many ways throughout the year. In fact, there are so many things that I am unable to say thank you enough, because so many things continue to happen and I cannot keep up. Many of you know that the Mayfield and Wiley Families have hosted our Fort Worth Camp Parties for several years now. So many of our Fort Worth families have gotten to experience Huawni because they were invited and joined us at the Wiley and Mayfield home. A few years ago, Cristy Mayfield showed me these reports that her parents had received back in the 80’s when she was a camper. They were called Mid Session Camper Reports. After reading them, I was so in awe because we were able to look back on a specific summer for Cristy and get a glimpse of what was happening in her life at Camp. I thought to myself, “Why don’t we do this anymore??” I actually did not even know we used to do this. Fast forward to 2016, we decided to bring back an old tradition and give you parents a glimpse of your child’s growth at camp. We are so grateful that you are enjoying these. We hope that years from now you and your children can pull these out and see how Camp played a role in your child growing up!


Sunday at Camp is a day to unwind and slow down. We started the day off by sleeping in. It’s a chance to take a big sigh after a full week. Soon we loaded up and took a short trip down the road to the Little Red Church. The Little Red Church service is a very peaceful and restful experience. We sang He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands and Father I Adore You a cappella. Younger campers gathered outside to discuss God’s unconditional love and how He shows us our true significance and purpose. Older campers talked about labels that others’ put on them and how their true value comes from God. We finished our time together by singing a few more worship songs. We ended as usual in silence as everyone got to still their hearts and just be.

I believe that we get our true significance and purpose not only from God but through other people who love us. – Henry M. at the LRC

After rest period, we had Sunday Choice, as campers chose between high ropes, water activities, a movie, and the famous, famous, MOST FAMOUS Sunday Hike. This Sunday we hiked to Turtle Rock and the Huawni Indian Mounds. Laughter, a cool dip in the Pinson Creek, and ice-cold watermelon followed. It was a great way to end our weekend.

After supper and Round 1 of the Wiffleball World Series (blog post coming soon with details) campers expended the remaining energy they had on the Front Lawn for our Water Ballon Fight. In addition to water, we loaded campers up with shaving cream, chocolate syrup, and flower as ammo. It ended in a traditional dance party. What a day and what a weekend!

Today campers got to compete in individual competition at activities. This afternoon we are getting ready to start the Huawni Triathlon. We will keep you posted as this last week of camp unfolds!

Parents, share with us below your experience of opening up your Mid Session Letters!

Campers hiked about a mile to Turtle Rock yesterday.

Allison and friends enjoy the moment right after jumping from Turtle Rock.

Logan is loving his first water balloon fight!

This is why we love shaving cream!

Chase with hiking stick in hand

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