Surprisingly, the weather at Camp has been pretty good. We did not get any rain this morning during activity period time and campers were able to enjoy their favorite activities of choice. Right about lunch time it started to rain really hard. Thankfully we have had no lightening and very little thunder. It looks like we missed the tropical storm, so we are thankful for that! This afternoon it continued to rain pretty heavily and campers watched Moana the movie in the Dining Hall. After the movie we played in the rain! My favorite memories are playing in the rain at camp, and there were lots of memories captured today.

Tonight our EP was Celebration. Due to the rain we transformed the Dining Hall into a carnival. We built several new carnival games this spring (thank you Kelsey and Juanse) and our campers really enjoyed them. Celebration is a time for all of camp to truly celebrate the session that we have all just experienced. The friendships that have now formed (some brand new, some that have grown deeper) are truly neat to watch. Two weeks at summer camp seem like a few months in the outside world. Tonight was filled with games, dancing, and a lot of smiles and laughter. It is hard to believe that this session is nearly coming to an end.

Because of the late Tuesday Night drama that was Game 4 of the Wiffleball World Series, campers were up later than expected and we were not able to have Sing Song. So tonight we finished the evening with a Sing Song at the Dining Hall. Our Session 2 campers really do know their camp songs, as they were totally tuned in tonight. It sounds like many of you have enjoyed the Sing Song recording from last week. Here’s another Sing Song that we recorded this session. We hope you enjoy!

All-Day Tribal Competition

All Day Tribal Competition happened on Wednesday as Tejas looked to fight back from a couple of WWS and Soccer losses. It was a unique day to say the least. Tejas came out with a vengeance as they won all three morning events (Soccer Kick, Hot Shot, and OC Team Run). But Caddo certainly did not give up, winning all three afternoon events (Inner Tube Relay, Huawni Derby, and Run for the Roses). The Huawni Archery Tournament was cancelled today because of rain. We will see if we can squeeze it in tomorrow.

There’s only one more day left of camp. We will keep you posted!

Avery hustles during the Huawni Derby Relay.

Nanette swings across the rope during OC Team Run.

The Huawni Inner Tube Relay

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