Last night we all witnessed the finals of the Wiffleball World Series! It was the second night for Wiffleball of the session and we got to experience the competitive spirit that is so prevalent at Camp Huawni. I know Travis talks about this, but it was crazy to see how encouraging both teams are towards each other. Campers were cheering until they were red (and blue) in the face to make sure everyone on and off the field felt like they could take on the world.

The outcome of last night’s game was Caddo winning on one field, then a tie between Tejas and Caddo on the other, 1-1. That combined with the scores from games 1 and 2 the other night, means that Caddo are our Wiffleball World Series Champions for Session 2, 7017, with the final score of 11-10!

We had so much excitement and screaming that we decided to call it an early night yesterday. The campers left it all on the fields, then wanted some sleep before the All Day Tribal Competition going on today!

There’s so much tribe spirit around the entire camp right now and everyone has their colors on to support Caddo or Tejas. We’ll post tomorrow to tell more about what happens today during the Tribal Competition! I’ll leave yall with some pictures from the Wiffleball World Series…

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