Last night all of camp gathered around the tribal fire for the tribal competition team announcements. This session there were 22 first-time, two-week campers:
Tonight, these campers joined their teams as Caddo and Tejas faced off in the first round of tribal comp: Huawni Soccer. This highly anticipated and high-energy event is the perfect start to tribal comp as campers celebrate each goal by rushing the field to cheer on their teammates. This encouraging energy sets the standard for healthy competition that is seen throughout tribal comp.
This year we had two games, each with a big and little round, as well as an all-counselor game. Though the games were intensely competitive and well fought, the Blue Tejas prevailed over the Red Caddo and won both games. The final scores were 2-3 and 0-3 for games one and two, respectively. If tonight’s games were any indication of what is to come, third session’s tribal comp is going to be neck and neck!
If you would like to order you camper Caddo or Tejas gear to be dropped off to them while at Camp, please visit our camp store here. and we will deliver the shirts during mail call.