One of the staples of the sleepaway camp experience is the food. What makes food at Camp Huawni great?

Here’s the Top 5 things campers love most about their food at Huawni

  1. Campers don’t have to be quiet at meals
  2. Campers get to be with all of Camp during meals
  3. Dancing (Code White & Dark Side…to name a couple)
  5. Ms. Ada’s famous, famous, MOST FAMOUS fried chicken!

Our goal with food at sleepaway camp (Huawni) is to keep campers happy and healthy. A good meal can help give kids a great attitude at the start of the day. A not so great meal can do the opposite, and we DON’T want that. Which is why we are sending out our Huawni Camper Food Survey. We want to hear from you, our Huawni Campers, on what you like and what needs to be improved. Parents, you’ll receive an email shortly with this 5 minute survey.

If you don’t receive the email, you can also go here to take the survey. And don’t worry…there is one menu item (among others) that won’t be changing— Ms. Ada’s fried chicken!

What was your favorite meal this summer? Reply below.

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