#What does summer camp do for kids beyond fun?

It would make sense that we see summer camp as fun. But, what does camp do for kids beyond fun? At Huawni, our kids enjoy fun camp activities like the Critter, Huawni Pond, and Trolley. Campers also get enthused about collaboring for Skit Night or receiving a heartfelt letter from mom at Mail Call. So what is it about summer camp that benefits our campers beyond fun? How do they actually learn more of who they are at camp?

Relationship skills, independence and responsibility, appreciation for living in the moment, appreciation for diversity, perseverance, and willingness to try new things appear to be the most essential and lasting outcomes of camp. -American Camping Association

First, camp breaks down social barriers. According to a recent American Camping Association Study relationship skills, independence and responsibility, appreciation for living in the moment, appreciation for diversity, perseverance, and willingness to try new things appear to be the most essential and lasting outcomes of camp. We see this at Camp Huawni too. Our campers and staff come from all different walks life to gather in the Pineywoods of East Texas. Once you arrive at camp, you are just you. You start with a clean slate and a fresh perspective. This makes way for friendships to blossom that ordinarily may not have in a different environment.

I remember going to camp not knowing anyone besides my friend. The guys there were all different. As a teenager, I was good at identifying the “popular kids” and those who were not. But at camp, it became more difficult. Why? It was because everyone was stuck at this one place in the woods for a week. We all did the same activity, same night activities, and stayed in the same cabin. This forced me to get out of my comfort zone and meet new friends. I became friends with the sporty guys since I played sports myself. But I didn’t just hang with sporty guys. I soon befriended a kid who liked comic books. This was something new to me, and I soon realized that I loved comic books. Fast forward fifteen years and I now own a huge stack of Batman comic books! Camp helped me discover the things I loved that I didn’t even realize existed.

Camp Huawni is uniquely positioned to help kids grow because of our small size. This is a big reason our Huawni Families send their kids summer after summer. Being small also allows Huawni campers to befriend lots of kids, even outside their age group. This many times spurs on new interests too, like a love for the ukulele, reading, or competing in the Huawni Triathlon. When kids discover new gift amongst great friends and role models, it leads to growth! We love seeing our campers discover their treasure inside. We also love seeing them meet for the first time a best friend.

And thus, it’s discovery and friendships that are an anchoring part of camp for your kids. Come join us this summer to see your child discover their own treasure and life-long, authentic friends. Oh yeah…and they will have fun too.

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