The Hike to the Carving Trees is unique to Huawni and is a time where all of Camp gets together to go on a hike and get muddy. We go to a creek bed and throw mud and squish watermelon on each others heads. It’s a time where you can get down to the bare bones of what makes life fun and dive into that with everyone around you. It epitomizes the idea that simple fun is the most fun.

You can get down to the bare bones of what makes life fun and dive into that with everyone around you.

My favorite part of the Hike is looking around and seeing everyone having fun. All of Camp is laughing or throwing mud or enjoying time with their friends in a way that you don’t get to anywhere else.

The Hike takes it a step beyond just being a fun mud fight- it gives you a chance to quite literally look at history, while at the same time forging your own place in that history. When you’re on the Hike you can carve your name on trees there, and see decades worth of names that have been carved from previous Hikes- it’s a very sentimental place.

Seeing campers let go is so rewarding. Especially being in girls camp and seeing everyone get down and get muddy, you get to throw away a lot of stigmas surrounding “what do I look like” and things like that. It’s a time when playing outside and in the mud is embraced and enjoyed by all campers and everyone enjoys showing that to the world. By the end of the Hike everyone is super muddy and in dire need of a shower, but it’s totally worth it. Away from summer camp, you don’t get to do anything like Hike to the Carving Trees. It’s a tradition at Camp that everyone can look forward to that reminds us that we were made to play outdoors.

Away from summer camp, you don’t get to do anything like Hike to the Carving Trees

-Wren R.

Comment down below if you’ve carved your name at the Carving Trees!

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