Huawni Families,

For those who haven’t heard the big news yet, this Summer we will be using Waldo Photos. Waldo is a super cool photo facial recognition system that allows you to see pictures of your camper – without searching through hundreds and hundreds of photos! Pretty cool, huh?

Waldo also allows you to receive text alerts when a picture of your camper is uploaded. AND you can invite up to 6 friends and family members to get text alerts.

There are a lot of new and exciting things coming to Camp, but Huawni has not lost its desire to be an outdoor summer camp for developing youth. This means that your kids get to experience the outdoors, away from the distractions of technology and social media.

What that means for Huawni is a beautiful, untouched location in the Piney Woods – but at the expense of high-speed internet. While we work diligently to upload photos of your campers, sometimes our WiFi isn’t as speedy as we would like. Our goal is that you are receiving photos the day after they are taken. We want you to be able to see pictures of your kiddos as soon as possible and we are working hard to make that happen!

If you haven’t enrolled in Waldo yet, there are two ways to do so:

  1. Text the join code (huawni19) to 735-343 and follow the prompts.
  2. Click this link to sign up:
    Create an account, upload a picture of your child, and Waldo will do the rest.

We are so excited about this new system and we hope that it allows us to serve our families better!


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