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We’ve come to believe, in over 50 years of camping, that the experience our parents have with sending their kids to Camp Huawni is just as important as the campers’ experience themselves. Parents want to drop their child off at a place where they feel well-informed, well-connected, and able to easily extend their trust. A place where their kids are valued and celebrated from start to finish. A place that becomes so special, their kids see it as a second home. We recognize that running every part of our program with excellence, from beginning to end, means the world to our campers, but means even more to parents.

Summer 2020 was one for the books, and we’ve received feedback from our parents that this was the best summer yet! Here at Camp Huawni, we love camp, but even more than that we love hearing that our campers and their parents love camp! Safety is always a number one concern of our parents, so we were all thrilled that we had a COVID-free summer. Our parents shared that their kids needed camp more than ever this year, and that they did too!

Why did parents love Camp Huawni this summer? In a world of isolation and screen time, their kids were able to connect with each other and with fun college students in a safe, fun way in the Piney Woods. They built new friendships, gained confidence, and shared experiences that we loved watching and our parents loved witnessing at the end of each session!

One mom wrote:

Our girls had a great week at camp and with the COVID issues [she] felt like it was handled with care but they still had the Huawni experience.

At Huawni, we believe in getting outside, having simple fun, and our staff motto, LTK – Love The Kids! In these unprecedented times, our staff were overjoyed to get to serve our Huawni families this summer by providing a safe and unforgettable Camp Huawni experience. Our staff accept where our campers are currently and strive for who they are truly.

Another family said:

Thank you for giving them a little bit of normalcy during these crazy times! She grows so much each year. We can’t wait for next summer, countdown has already started!

Our parent feedback from 2020 can be summed up in this:

Thank you for having camp this summer!

To our current Camp Huawni families, tell your friends why they should consider joining you all, (and us!), at camp this upcoming summer! If you are a parent looking for a fun and safe traditional summer camp experience for your kiddos, take our Camp Huawni families’ word for it –

I really appreciate the actions that were taken to keep the campers safe so they could have the opportunity to do the one thing they look forward to the most each summer. They needed this opportunity to play outside, make new friends and create amazing memories and be kids. Thank you so much!

We hope to see y’all in Summer 2021!

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