Camp Huawni is all about campers leaving its gates knowing their true signifigance and purpose. One great way for campers to experience such things is through making friends at camp. Making friends helps boost confidence, gets rid of homesickness, and plays a huge impact in kids’ futures. Luckily for your child, Camp Huawni makes it easy for kids to make meaningful friendships throughout the summer.

Part of the uniquiness of camp is that Camp Huawni is smaller than most camps – which is great when it comes to making friends fast. How? Alan Jackson said it best when he said, “It’s alright to be little bitty”, because while being at a small camp, you don’t feel like a small fish in a huge and crowded pond. Campers tend to fit in a little easier! Another benefit with camp being small is our counselors have more time to pour into your child and develop that relationship. Let’s face it, going to a place outside your comfort-zone, especially if it’s your first time, can be intimidating. However, having a counselor to rely on and wanting to form a special bond with all our counselors, allows campers to break their shell a little bit and makes them more comfortable to be themselves.

At Camp Huawni, we also have fun-filled activities that your camper will participate in. Doing these activities as a cabin together, allows campers to form friendships by working together as a team and having fun as well. Constantly doing activities allows campers to expose their innerselves and allows them to be more comfortable with their peers. Camp Huawni does something that is unlike most camps. We do something called “Tribal Competition.” Each camper is put into a tribe and has a week filled with games with their tribe. This allows campers to use their individual talents to come together and try to win the “Golden Pine Cone.” Tribal Competition also allows campers to meet other campers from other cabins as the whole camp participates in these games.

Here at Camp Huawni, life-long friends are made! With Camp Huawni being small and having fun activities and special events in store, it allows campers to easily break out of their comfort zones and be themselves with other campers. Getting to be a part of something unique, like a summer camp, allows campers to make impactful friendships that will last a life time. Camp Huawni is a home away from home.

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