Following Huawni Soccer, our Wiffleball World Series really seemed to kick off the Red Caddo and Blue Tejas rivalry and competitive spirit. It was energizing to see the two tribes shout their lively chants and encourage their teammates. Whether playing in the field or dancing crazy on the sideline, everyone was having a great time!
WWS is a wonderful way for our counselors and campers to practice great teamwork and sportmanship. It can be a bit nerve-racking to step up to the plate and try to hit a small white ball tossed at you, but that anxiety is quelled when you have a whole team behind you cheering you on.
Last night, we watched many amazing hits, catches, and dives. But the most amazing thing we watched was campers helping and supporting each other no matter if they were Caddo or Tejas. Though Caddo eventually claimed last night’s win, at the end of the day, we’re all part of the same Camp Huawni tribe.