We continue our Huawni Storyteller series with Huawni Legends Pat and Linda Adams! Pat and Linda are Founding Family members of Camp Huawni, and they have many fond memories of their time in the Piney Woods to share.
Pat was a camper during the early years of Camp Huawni, and later served as a director with Linda by his side.
“I really don’t know [how long I was a director for]…forever,” he jokes. “And I enjoyed every minute.”
Pat reminisces about some of the things he enjoyed the most, including having parasailing as a camp activity.
“Some of you old-timers remember this….RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!” he says.
Additionally, Pat highlights the lifelong friends he made at Camp and still have today. “I can call [my friends] up anytime,” he says. “We always have good memories, and we talk about Camp many times.”
Another takeaway from Camp Huawni? “[It] was the greatest experience for my three daughters, Kara, Dana, and Lisa. They enjoyed Camp more than anything in the world. They grew up at Camp, they had fun at Camp.”
Today, Pat and Linda’s grandchildren get to share those same fun experiences at Camp Huawni.
Check out Pat and Linda’s full story in the video below: