We’re so proud to have another session in the books! And we’re prouder to have continued our fun, safe, and healthy summer. These past two weeks, we watched our campers thrive in the Piney Woods. As they got to enjoy the great outdoors free from distraction, campers grew in their independence, responsbility, and self-confidence.

Closing Day can be a bittersweet time for many, but as we like to say, “It’s not a goodbye, it’s a see-you-later!”

This session, we welcomed 36 new initiates to the Camp Huawni Tribe:

Pierce C., Kody E., Samuel K., Henry M., Cannon P., Alexandro R., Elijah R., Denzel A., Blake G., Wilson P., Kutler R., Hudson S., Luka S., Joseph T., Cameron G., Jamison H., Dominic M., Nathan S., Jacob A., Lucille C., Hattie M., Lily S., Danyelle C., Braci E., Payten J., Rebecca Jane O., Molly S., Cecily H., Genevieve A., Kaylynne S., Joelly N., Mallory M., Sophia V., Sunnie M., Maya B., and Quinn S.

During each session, campers elect a Chief and Princess, who are older campers that best embody the Huawni spirit while demonstrating leadership qualities, including compassion and discipline. This session’s Chief and Princess are Michael W. and Sydney S.!

We have one more week of fun left in our summer season!

Check out this session’s highlight video:

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