As a traditional, throwback summer camp, one of the questions we get asked a lot is “Do you allow cell phones at camp?” While we recognize that modern technology has become a staple in our lives, we also know how it can be a distraction, which is why we have a tech-free policy in place. In today’s world, we now spend countless hours on screens. And we’ve found that when we give campers the rare opportunity to disconnect from tech, they get to instead connect with nature and those around them. Ultimately, we see their friendships and creativity truly thrive.
Here at Camp Huawni, we believe simple fun is the most fun. We don’t need video games or roller coasters to give our campers the best summer experience of their lives. Rather, we let them soak up that wonderful sunshine. We encourage them as they play outdoors and make new friends.
Yesterday, we continued activities where campers got to participate in archery, swimming, mountain biking, and more! Due to rainy weather, we had to postpone cane pole fishing at Huawni Pond, but good news is we plan resume this event tonight with Cookout!