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It’s fall y’all, and with fall comes so many different activities for us all to enjoy. The fall also means Halloween and Thanksgiving are upon us! Now, we won’t debate how one or the other is better, but rather help you gear up for the festivities through a few blog posts! Halloween means gatherings, fun treats and dressing up of course. Now, if you’re anything like me you have waited until the last minute to decide what you should be for Halloween or you still don’t know! Never fear, we have just the blog for you!

Every session our summer staffers dress up for the one and only capture the flag game! These costumes are creative, silly and just downright fun! I hope these costumes give you some ideas for this fall as you decide what you should dress up as! We love this tradition at Huawni and can’t wait to see what our summer staffers come up with this next summer!

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As you can see, our summer staffers love to dress up. Maybe this year you’ll be a blow up shark or even better a cowboy with her pets? Either way, we hope these pictures bring a smile and spark some costume ideas for you all! Have a Happy Halloween and eat all the sweet treats!

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