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For the first time this summer, as the cars began to turn down our favorite dirt road, campers, staff members and parents were all united by that electric camp energy. Session 1 arrivals meant many squeals, tight hugs, and heading to the dining hall for Ms. Ada’s famous fried chicken.

At Camp, we enjoy all kinds of weather, and opening day was no different. Our capture the flag game was even more fun than usual while puddle jumping in the rain. Opening night show was a fantastic tour de camp where campers met the Fantom, and the brown team took the win in the fantom family feud game. The night concluded with a large dance party in the rain, and a good night of rest to prepare for an incredible week ahead.

As many newcomers joined Session 1 this year, we’ve already seen them create lasting friendships, participate in new challenges and enjoy the simple fun of Camp Huawni.

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