This past Sunday the best summer camp in Texas opened their doors for session 2 campers.

Here at Camp Huawni, we spend opening day laughing with friends and enjoying Ms. Ada’s famous fried chicken. Our evening is spectacular with the opening night show igniting the summer camp spirit in our campers.

As always, we split camp into teams and saw the competitive spirit of our boys and girls come out during a game of ultimate capture the flag. As our campers begin new activities and meeting new friends, they remain steadfast in their love for the home they have at Camp Huawni.

Mom and Dad, they’re missing you too, but here at Camp Huawni they’re connecting to the simple fun, disconnecting from the distractions of technology, and learning how to live in the moment. We can guarantee they’ll come home to you with an ear to ear smile, gushing about the adventure they’ve lived here.

So feel free to send them right back to us next summer, We’ll be waiting for them.

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